Why Choose Learn While Living?
Learn While Living library
PDF Resources for learning, grounded or on the go, we've thought of those nuances with a signature style.
Developed from decades of experience, life learning home learning, Roadschooling and Worldschooling.
Will update with amount of books soon, thanks for your patients :)
Gardenschool - Paddock to Plate experience, is for building life skills & know-how
Gardenschool Pack comes with,
9 X Learning Journals for title,
"Modern Day Gardenschool Go-To-Guide 10"
(8 Aussie regions + 1 New Zealand)
+ 4 x Recipe books ideal for autumn, winter & spring
= 13 learning journals & A Bonus book inside!
Print & Play Card & Board Games great for playbased resources, that are tactile and spur strategy.
Topics to Entice: Math, Science, Mythology, Wildlife & more,
Ages 4 +
Includes, 2 PDF Books,
1. Learn While Living - books 100 "Gameschool Playbook"
(Signature style learning journal for Gameschool)
2. Learn While Living - books 101 "Charlie's Card Conjuration's"
+Monthly invite to Global Advetnure Games (R)
+ Activities to keep learning fun and interactive
Creative Corner is our premium section, exclusive to the All-In-1 Pass.
Become a Villager today to learn what it's all about, and how amazing this section is for learners' aged 7 to 14 yrs. Deep dive into the unknown, a doorway to an extraordinary experience for curious humans...
This section will spike curiosity and creativity, like never before...
Hint: Imagination is the creation of everything!
Are you curious?
How's 4 Sections of signature style resources,
Worth THOUSAND... for under $200 per year?
Addy Marie
Writer at heart, Inventor of games & worldschooer from way back.
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